Hi guys. Dyno results so far to come. 2/3 of the way to a full tune so far.
What I can tell you now though is that Greg got 390+ hp from it on 1 bar, VVL coming in near 5k, as the ex. housing isn't big enough to make the most of the VVL high cam flow basically. The Nur spec RX backbox and sports cat aren't helping either but nevermind, for me they are a necessity.
HOWEVER I have taken the decision to pull the plug on the tuning for now and have the engine rebuilt by Greg.
First reason being that the guys who built my engine, apparently good CNC, precision engineering, and Nissan truck engine re-builders, they reckon they went off the standard specs for piston to crown clearance, which IS NOT what it would have said in the info that came with the CP pistons that were shipped straight to them! Due to forged piston expansion we are running the risk of screwing the engine over a treat on high load on a hot day. Not cool, especially as it could take alot of expensive parts with it!!
Second, Greg says there was a rattle when the high cam kicked in when the engine was warm. He thinks it could be a lack of oil getting to the head, but we had the engine oil drained after the more powerful runs and after finding more metal than we'd like, one of the guys dropped the sump to look at bearing #1 and it was showing signs of wear, so that is when I had to pull the plug.
The saddest thing was seeing it start up, and the guy drive it out into the car park and park up. It is basically a running & roadworthy car, I just know it's not going to be reliable. Unfortunately I never got to hear the VVL, and it is going to be a while before I do! Greg said it was all going really well before the bad noises, and it doesn't make the noises when it is cool.
Greg still thinks I should get a bigger turbo! But I still want a really responsive car, with suitable power for road use, and the VVL for the noise and something a bit different, not super powers.
Shopping list:
engine rebuild, again...
Bigger, better clutch
Intercooler end tank welding job
Full Engine bay strip down and paint
Bigger ex.housing
Depending on how long everything takes... Yashio Gulf widebody
And a re-fund
Pretty angry with myself at the moment for letting chimpanzees build the engine, but I think I have taken the sensible but painful decision. Plus I guess I am the first RWD VE in a road going S15 over here, it just wasn't for long!!