tackling this plenum was no easy job as it was not a straight forward fit..
the intercooler pipe needed to be a 90 degree pipe to connect it to the throttle body, but i miss jugded the angle and ordered up a 45 degree alu pipe instead.. so had to order up a 45 degree silcone pipe reducer. a flange was needed to fit a HKS dump valve onto the pipe and a breather hose for the idle valve.
the plenum did not give a connection to the idle valve to draw in air before the throttle body so i had to modify the valve to be able to connect the hose. so popped of the blanking plug and tapped it for a hose fitting...
with everything in the car it was time to fire it up...
as you all know with all this work something was bound to not work....
she was cranking but not firing..
so rocker off again to double check timing, fuel and then spark...
then after a few calls to Stiv trouble shooted issues and found it to be the fuse blown to the coils.. swapped the fuse and she fired up first time.
now to measure timing with a timing gun, get some miles on her oil change and off for a map with Stiv :nod:
roll on the next RR day.