Just an update with the graph from the remap Steve at FC Tuning did for me. Very pleased with it now.
Also I've fitted a nice new HKS back box (thanks for the part number Craig, and sorry for nicking your idea), so the back end looks nice and finsihed now
New spark plugs fitted as recommended by Steve. The car is at DCMS at the moument having an oil and water temp gauges fitted into the air vents, and should have that carbon fibre panel from Craig to fit soon as well.
Oh and I fitted my plasma dails I while go so a pic of them..
When I was at TOTB the Japanese Performance guys took a few pics of the car and had a chat with me about the car etc.., so couldn't believe it when they rang me up a few weeks ago and asked me if they can do a feature on it. So will be having a photo shoot with them at the end of the month