Over the past week i have been able to get the car to rev over 3000rpm since i put a dose of injector cleaner in the tank, which is why i replaced the fuel pump and am looking at getting the injectors cleaner properly, i have already replaced the air flow meter and that did not change anything either. If you think 3.9v is too low for WOT throttle i will get a replacement just to make sure, and my car is just a SR20DE, thanks for all your help anywayYeah the way it works is that when you adjust one it changes the range for the other as well. What is your base timing set at? The base TPS voltage should be .45V and WOT 4.5-5V so if you can't get that range then I suggest replacing it to eliminate a problem. I don't think they are that expensive and can be ahd in a scrappy for next to nothing. Also, if you can borrow a freind's MAF and swap it to see if it makes a difference to eliminate that as well, seeing that the car remains under 3000rpm sounds MAF related like it is in limp mode when the MAF is unplugged. Just try things to eliminate stuff and also looks for any broken vacuum lines and boost lines even though you may have already, both on the intake and on the intercooler setup.
I have managed to get my car top a point where it surges under load only when cold, once at running temp is runs alot smoother but still have hardly any power, at 100kph you can put it into 3rd and floor it, it wont speed up just rev to 5000rm.
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