Max Power = bums all the cheque book modders (sh*t Euro style rubbish)
Fast Car = bums all the cheque book modders (sh*t Euro style rubbish)
Redline = not read for a while but interested to see what it's like these days
Jap Performance = hated it when Chris Rees was editor. Total dickhead and bummed all the main advertisers. Recent change in editor has given it a slight different slant but there's still an obsession with bhp and 'tuning' garage cars. I use the term 'tuning' loosely!
Banzai - better at covering different styles of cars and not completely Evo/Scoob obsessed like ^^^. Less bumming of major advertisers and Joe Clifford (editor) is a decent bloke :thumbs:
Craig - get yourself to Telford!! W H Smiths here always has loads of copies of Total Nissan (I could buy you a copy but think you need to get our your Silvia more in wet weather lol)