I saw Toppers being advertised on Newera's website and was very intrigued ... Done some research and found it ticked all the right boxes for a replacement to my Manual GPX FTO.
I've got Topper to thank for getting me into the S15 world...and i can blame him if it goes wrong! lol
Blimey, is this really only my 2nd post here!? :wack: Anyway.. I'm in a similar position, I was looking at Skylines on Newera a couple of years ago when I saw Toppers car and fell in love with it! I knew then I had to have that car, but, as I didn't have the money, that kinda threw a spanner in the works! Lol.
I still have my FTO, it's been 5 years now! Aaaand I still don't have an S15 yet.. :no: I'm currently sorting the few odd jobs my GPX needs doing to it, then it'll be a respray to bring the yellow back to A1 condition (especially as they only made 500!) and I'll be keeping that for my 'daily driver', and giving my diesel work horse the boot. I'm also considering selling my bike, and the cash from that I'd put away to go towards a Spec R.
Having read about the SVA / IVA crap, I know I need to get an S15, and soon. I'd been torn over which car to aspire to and save up for (S15 Spec R, or an R33 GTR) and I've now finally come to a decision. :thumbs: (Just as my girlfriend says in the background "You'll change your mind again, you always do!"

Bah, I'm waffling now anyway - it's my 30th tomorrow and I've had a few sherberts with dinner, so I'm off for the night.

I'm sure you can expect some silly questions from me in the near future! :ghey: