My car is so clean you could eat off it.
Yes they are, I used them and they are the same parts front and rear 
Sorry mate, keep forgetting about the shipping, ground shipping within the US from FRSport is free, so i've been making the most of it. Taking the lot back home in a container once i'm done in the US.Yes mate,then the diff kit from them is 61 I think plus 70 odd dollars postage I believe.
The best place I have found it dohc garage who are charging S&H to UK is $42 for both item. Bushing kit alone is $39 master kit 150 dollars,its the subframe bushes and postage that have been the biggest fluctuation in price some places wanted over 100 dollars to post it!
Part Number:
7.18107 $150.39 Color: - Black- - Include Free Prelube?: - Extra
Prelube - FREE- -
Part Number: 7.1117 $61.03 Color: - Black-
Sub Total: $211.42
Shipping Total: $65.30
Grand Total: $276.72