Liam - there are a few CF ones left and one FG. I'm not doing any more carbon kevlar as they are a nightmate to get trimmed as the kevlar frays. PM me if your interested
The next lot to be sent on Wednesday 5th will be..
Koullis (pending shipping issue) Marco_V_W Nemesis Guy Djmasterg Allan Orr Eiden88 RyanH
The final 4 will be sent on Monday 10th all being well
Yours should be with you by now Ryan. They are dead simple to fit. Some need a small amount of work for a snug fit but I have included instructions and materials on the back of the boxes for this
Ryan - no problem mate the carbon kevlar ones are a pain to trim as the kevlar just frays. Glad you like it though. I normally put the instructions in with the panels but forgot to include them this time!
Yup, unfortunately i've got to trim mine to suit bonnet pins and an alarm sensor. Doesn't seem to fray too badly though, so the fraying can be covered up with a washer or something
Who was it that originally asked for them to be left uncut? I know it was only 1 person and as such, there is only 1 panel with the holes uncut. If the other person wishes to wait 6 weeks until I'm back home, this can also be arranged for them also.