peglio's ongoing s15 project...
Adding a z33 box to the list now too as looks a much more solid box )
Sold some of my spare wheels now too so will be ordering a lot of bits next week

just waiting to hear back on a package deal for pistons, rods, valves, seals, retainers and studs
Big chunk of my list dealt with then

Also fitted a bmc stopper at long last, wasn't expecting such a massive improvement under heavy braking( don't really notice till you really press on the brakes ) well worthwhile adding one to your car.
Plan now is to take the car off the road when the tax runs out next month and hit it hard, shave tuck and paint the bay, relocate the battery and fuse box to the boot and get the engine built. In the meantime if I can sell my daily will get my box etc sorted as well . Plenty to do so hopefully have some major updates in the next couple of months