Cheers guys, i just cant stop grinning while driving it around!
James i did exactly the same, £30 of VPower! On the way home in stop start M25 traffic and the occassional "leave a long gap and then boot it" and its better on fuel than the RX8
Do get a lot of looks from people clearly wondering what it is

Its hitting more boost than it was yesterday, gone up from 0.5 to 0.6. Maybe it needed a good blast?
Encountered my first little problem today however, no power steering and lots of squealing. Quick look around and the PAS belt is loose, went to slacken off the bolts and tighten it but it looks like the bolt for the slide has actually come loose and the slide has fallen out and got its self wedged below the PAS pump... Thats what ill be fixing after work tommorrow!