It's been a busy few months and I have forgot about updating this. So I got it back from the painters having got the sills replaced, the underneath body shultz'd and also a full respray and a few other bits. They did a great job and I'm very pleased over all.
Before and after picture of the sills
Once I had it back it got treated to a full valet. At the same time one of natures rarest occurrences happened.... The rain stopped in Ireland and a strange warm glow came from the sky.... So I took a picture (just for the haters it got 6.5k likes on SilviaRepublics FB page)
I then bought a up-rated DoLuk ignition harness which made an enormous difference to the response and performance of the engine. Definitely gained some ponies from it. I then bought some smoked rear LED lights and a carbon hydro which I can't wait to install and test.
Shortly after I came across a twin core GTR intercooler which is a monster in comparison to the one that was fitted. I had it sprayed black then began the job of fitting it. Bought some new intercooler piping as I wouldn't of been able to modify the existing pipe to suit. Unfortunately it arrived after I had gone back overseas to work.
So now she is sitting sorry for herself in the garage until I get home. Once all back together again I may take it back for a quick remap even if to see have the changes in intercooler and ignition harness have made much of a difference to the figures.
Before and after picture of the sills
Once I had it back it got treated to a full valet. At the same time one of natures rarest occurrences happened.... The rain stopped in Ireland and a strange warm glow came from the sky.... So I took a picture (just for the haters it got 6.5k likes on SilviaRepublics FB page)
I then bought a up-rated DoLuk ignition harness which made an enormous difference to the response and performance of the engine. Definitely gained some ponies from it. I then bought some smoked rear LED lights and a carbon hydro which I can't wait to install and test.
Shortly after I came across a twin core GTR intercooler which is a monster in comparison to the one that was fitted. I had it sprayed black then began the job of fitting it. Bought some new intercooler piping as I wouldn't of been able to modify the existing pipe to suit. Unfortunately it arrived after I had gone back overseas to work.
So now she is sitting sorry for herself in the garage until I get home. Once all back together again I may take it back for a quick remap even if to see have the changes in intercooler and ignition harness have made much of a difference to the figures.
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