well according to the last post on here its taken me 5 months to finally pull my finger out of my arse and get the battery fitted. Ive been working on her the odd hour in the evenings so has taken about 2 weeks to actually get to the point I'm at now, in reality its probably been about 4 hours. Also having to work in a single garage has meant space is at a premium so I've advanced my S15 interior tetris no end! I'm now also level 9000 at body contortion.
The hardest part has been working out where to run the cable, i initially though of running it behind the radio and under the centre console but then decided on down the side of the drivers door for ease of access and less fooking about. To get the cable from the engine into the car i found a nice hole by the brake servo down to the gromit behind the fuse box in the drivers footwell. After about 30 mins of knuckle scraping and much swearing i found i could go inside the wheel arch making the install a lot neater. So pics below of progress so far.

i need to turn some steel bar to connect the terminals so to keep everything in place a mastic nozzle fitted perfectly!

Id put everything back then thought i havent taken any pictures so sorry they're a bit sketchy

cable is now into the boot, just need to find a place to mount the breaker and also where to locate the battery. And i need to get a tray made up.
Also i found online a good way of soldering connections on is with the use of solder pellets/slugs which fit in the end, you heat them with a torch and then push the wire in. Typically these arent available in the uk so i made my own works a treat even if it looks a bit wtf
by saturday she should have power and i can see if she will actually start! wish me luck