It gets worse...
1.00 GBP = 137.720 JPY
Acording to www.xe.com
As Ricky Gervais says.... "You do the maths!"
I cant even begin to imagine how bad this is affecting Japenese Car Importers in the UK. However whats interesting is I have noticed the company I bought my S15 from now stocks UKDM cars! And seems to have more UKDM than JDM
Bad times to be buying an S15 in Japan :furious: :wack:
1.00 GBP = 137.720 JPY
Acording to www.xe.com
As Ricky Gervais says.... "You do the maths!"
I cant even begin to imagine how bad this is affecting Japenese Car Importers in the UK. However whats interesting is I have noticed the company I bought my S15 from now stocks UKDM cars! And seems to have more UKDM than JDM
Bad times to be buying an S15 in Japan :furious: :wack: