oh yes i see i was thinking about a oil cooler but was told dont do it for a street car? thats something i could get STM do look at and change when the fans come on when i get tune which is so far away though... so annoyed with life at the moment.
oil coolers are a must for the track as the car is getting continually pounded, and are not normally needed for road use, however if you drive your car like your arse is on fire a lot then a oil cooler might be a good idea, right up till you loose your license for driving like a mad man on a public road
Depends on wether you want a filter relocator kit, if you just want cooler core, lines and sandwhich plate you can get a second hand Greddy one for sub $400 mark. Probably add another $200 for a filter relocation kit. New, the full kit is around 1K. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Greddy-T...=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item27c5495c9f