I fitted my z33 brembos to my 180 a few weeks ago, only on the front though. Planning on fitting the rears next week! a bit more work involved though, gotta fit the drum type handbrake, and move the mounting holes
I actually dropped the idea of fitting the z33 setup.. and swapped it for the r34 setup instead...so much simpler..
the other person that took up the project has them fitted :thumbs:
There are a few options for fitting the rears.
1. cut the rear kuckle mounting points and reweld it to the correct location.
your welding cast iron and it not easy.
2. slot the mounting points on the rear knucle to suit the new rear caliper. people debate about the sttrength of the knuckle after it is done.
3. Alternatively what the person that took up my project did was weld up the caliper mounting holes and drilled and tapped the correct locations on the cailper. Aumiumun welding is also not easy and require a welder with plenty of experience welding the stuff.
I dummy tried brembo front with rotors. ROAW!!! it just clears 17" rim by 3mm or so. I need to drill holes now but bit worried that I may drill it skew.... hopefully 1mm on wall thickness shouldn't matter much...
im now considering this upgrade tbh.. after i just found how terrible the set up is at the moment on track.. also, my abs seems to be non existant now ... odd