
  1. Nicely

    Dash fog indicator

    Noticed when I was changing bulbs in the main instrument dash unit that I had two redundant warning indicators. One for HICAS and the other for a fog light. Tried a bulb in it with the front fogs on, but it didn't work. Anyone have a working one?
  2. D

    led light

    Nicely what you think.. I know your on look out fo a set of led's>>>
  3. M

    Part Code For Seal On Head Light Please

    Ok Im after a part code for the rubber seal between the top of the headlight and the boonet please. The corner on the seal on my passenger side light has broken away due to over zealous washing. :rolleyes: Ive looked on FAST but didnt get very far,so has anyone got any ideas please? Thanks...
  4. D

    WTB: head light

    need a pass side head light with glass broken or cracked if any one has one laying around let me know and i will buy it off them even broken brackets with no glass will do as long as it has the outline shape to it if i get one when i am finished with it i will post up pics to let you see what it...
  5. sushiming

    led S15 rear light off japan yahoo aution

    looks nice they the ones u want nicely??click
  6. H

    Help: headlight conversion

    I live in Norway but have a rhd-car.... In that case i have a question about how to adjust my headlights to light up to the right instead of left. Anyone know how to fix this problem? :cry: :cry:
  7. P

    Trouble wiring in shift light.

    Okay guys, I need some help wiring in a shift light. It has three wires, power, earth and Tacho signal. The power and earth are in and working fine but can't get a signal through the last wire. They all lead into a small circuit that has a microswitch. When you get to the limit you want the...