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  1. D

    niggles to solve after FMIC install

    well, i got my FMIC bolted on today.... and.... i've got one mechanical problem and two cosmetic. basically, the "instructions".... (workin' from shite pictures as i can't read japanese!) told me to to plumb a pipe in.... this pipe here it said to "T" into where the blue arrow is, but i'm...
  2. D

    my FMIC arrived...(quick answer needed! :))

    ... but what i'm wantin' to know is,.... do i need the "T" pice and "nipple" that came in the "Fitting kit"? if so, where do these go? i already have a FMIC in the "induction system"! cheers! it's a greddy type M btw! :)
  3. D

    FMIC install

    ok, so just wondering.... i read things about "trim this and that".... just trying to work out what exactly it is that wants cutting. the "chassis legs" being the vertical parts that come forward, where the piping comes down and round, correct? the "front bar" being the metal bar that is...
  4. D

    decat fitted

    well, got the decat on today... there's no doubt that it certainly spools up quicker and stronger! :D well worth the 50 notes i handed over to jono for it! cheers bud! :D FMIC next.... amazing how i said "i wouldn't be spending money on the 15!!!"
  5. D

    batteries for FMIC's

    could someone please measure their battery that they've got when using a FMIC. basically.....obviously height doesn't matter... but width and length and which way the terminals go etc... mates mum works at a place that sells batteries but need to know the size in to make sure it's the right...
  6. D

    been shopping...

    well, between me, my brother and some mates... we decided that workin' on cars... is a laugh.... but... sometimes takes too long... enter... the power tool world! :D ok, so i've got a compressor, but we don't work on the cars at mine.. so means not able to use air tools... hence investing...
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    3 cylinders

    last night.... after comin' out the pub.... my car was only running on 3 cylinders. it had only been sat for an hour or so. no sign of nothing wrong on the drive there. the cylinder that wasn't firing though, had started firing again by the time i'd drove home.....i live less than a mile from...
  8. D

    Tonight, playing about

    Well.... out and about tonight and following on from Mr Riccioni's theme of long exposure pictures... we managed to crack these out! :D So, these also look great, but... also are for people that haven't seen it yet! :D Low light Red neons Hi-contrast one... Blue n Green neons...
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    OH MY GOD! well, at 8.30 this morning, i was awoken by the phone, the bloke delivering my car was 20min' away! :D At the point where it was outside my house, and getting dropped off the lorry, my rents were awoken, along with my next door neighbourgh.... he nods with approval. Rents on the...
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    well, basically... the S15 is being delivered on sat'.... and it's yet to be undersealed. can anyone point me in the right direction of where to get this done? somewhere in the midlands preferably! or.... northants to be picky! what sorta cost is it too??? cheers
  11. D

    my day...

    as some of you may know, i've been floating about here for a couple weeks..... and.... i went to view an S15 today! MY GOD it's one of the best conditions i've seen one in! no dings at all! the only thing i noticed was a chip on the boot that'd been touched up! but nothing major! sooooo...
  12. D

    never know what to put for a welcome topic?

    Hey, little about me, 22, from northants UK currently don't own an S15... but as a fairly "speedy" decision over the bankholiday weekend, i've decided to sell my current car, which is a civic VTi, and.... for the bill for an S15! :D i do already know sushiming from here, and hopefully poppin'...