Search results

  1. pegliobaglio

    where do you put yours???

    hi guys, just bought myself some defi's and was wondering where everyone has put their control unit?? i cant imagine ever really needing to use the functions on it so was considering just whacking it in the glove nbox,just interested to see where everyone has put their and if you actually use...
  2. pegliobaglio

    stereo brackets s14/s15

    Hi guys ,my car doesn't have any stereo brackets and now I am driving her a bit more be good to have some tunes,a guy on sxoc has some 14 brackets but just wanted to make sure they were the same before I got em,anyone with any info would be much appreciated thanks guys
  3. pegliobaglio


    Any of the importers on this site let me know roughly how much I would be looking for a white ek9 in mint condition with low mileage as I am gonna be selling my fn2 to get a daily runaround and really fancy one of these !any info would be much appreciated thanks
  4. pegliobaglio

    WTB: defi link control unit 2

    Hi guys anyone know of the best place to buy one of these units,a lot of places seem to have stopped seeling em now just wondered if anyone had one they don't want or know of somewhere I could get one for a good price,cheers!
  5. pegliobaglio

    sucking noise?

    alright guys don't know if any of you can help me her,a few weeks back when i was on boost one of my intercooler pipes popped off and the car stalled,fitted it all back together made sure everything was done up nice and tight and everything seemed fine,now it could be completely un related but...
  6. pegliobaglio

    real or fake defi????

    Hi guys, I know quite afew of you on here have defi gauges in your car so I thought someone may be able to help me,as the title suggests I am not sure the gauge I have bought is a genuine defi bf link meter gauge,I was sold it as the genuine article but certain things do not add up ,like on the...
  7. pegliobaglio

    race rad

    Hi guys, I need a new rad so was looking into getting a 55mm race rad from apex when they are back in stock,just been searching about and a few people have said the bigger race rads don't work that well under normal everyday use and are only really any good for use on track??!! Is there any...
  8. pegliobaglio

    lumpy idle

    When my car is sittin at idle the revs bounce between 500 and 1000 revs I have a tectom rev stavilizer but don't know what state of tune the engine is in yet as where I bought it from didn't know too much about it and I still haven't had the time to get it on the rollers yet,any ideas what would...
  9. pegliobaglio

    water temp

    Hi guys ,just out of curiosity what sort of reading should I be getting for water temp when the car is fully warmed up and being driven? Any ideas?
  10. pegliobaglio

    tein adjustment

    Guys does anyone know which way you turn the damper adjusting to stiffen it up? I believe its clockwise ,but am not sure,anyone know?I know on my kw's I have to go clockwise so just assume its the same.
  11. pegliobaglio

    recommended spec......

    Right chaps, I am almost done with my chassis upgrades now, was just wondering what sort of cost and spec I would need for a solid reliable 350-400 bhp. As hopefully will start accumulating parts soon ,just wondering which parts are tried and tested,and if there are any suppliers/parts companies...
  12. pegliobaglio

    loud whirring/grinding noise

    Hey guys, I have noticed a weird noise kinda like 2 concrete blocks being rubbed together coming from the rear of my car, has been gradually getting louder and I notice it mainly when coming down through the gears(engine breaking) and mainly in 4th and 2nd ,only noticed it since I had my diff...
  13. pegliobaglio

    arch rolling

    Hey guys, does anyone know of a good place to get my arches rolled,my mate was supposed to be doing them but have been waiting a couple of minths and it doesn't look likely to get done so nEed to find somewhere good to get it sorted,I am in the herts area, Thanks Chris
  14. pegliobaglio

    earthing kit

    Hi guys,found this earlier been thinking bout stripping my earth connections and starting with new colour coded wiring,because some of my wires are quite short and seem to be tight with a bit of tension in them. The only other kits I found were double the price,was just...
  15. pegliobaglio

    rad and intercooler

    As the title suggests,just sold some of my tuning bits from my type r so gonna have a bit of spare cash,need to get a new rad as have noticed a few dents in mine,and was looking to upgrade the ic as is running 1 bar on a standard ic,been looking to apex for both,looking at the type 1 intercooler...
  16. pegliobaglio


    Anyone know what kit this is or where I can get it? Loving the rear bumper and front fenders
  17. pegliobaglio

    WTB: oem stereo cage

    Right i am finally getting around to sorting out my stereo and am in need of the original cage that bolt in behind the fascia any ideas where i would be able to get one?
  18. pegliobaglio

    passenger window

    Alright guys,gonna replace my passenger window glass today,just wondered if anyone had done it and if its a simple job?had a look can't find any how to guides ..
  19. pegliobaglio

    everyday use, dilemma

    Right guys,just need some advice,what would you do in my shoes? I currently am looking to buy a house and have both my silvia and a brand new civic type r. Obviously I am not going to be able to keep both cars when I buy so am stuck trying to decide whcih car to sell..the silvia only has about...
  20. pegliobaglio

    Garage D

    As i am sure a few of you may have read i sent my car in friday the 13th to get a helical diff built into my casing,as it had a 2 way in. I came to the decision that i was'nt really going to use the car for anything more than fast road ,and maybe the occasional track day,so after looking around...