Search results

  1. meddler

    Text Speak

    This is an international forum. There are members here from non english speaking backgrounds that find it more difficult to read proper english than their primary language. Once people start using text speak, it becomes increasingly difficult for not just the non english speaking people to...
  2. meddler

    Rear brake pad / caliper mod suggestions

    Guys, I would like to ask what rear pads people have on their car. I am looking for something that I can use to lock the rear wheels. I don't do drifting as such, but I do motokhanas and my current pads just don't cut it. I also don't trust the pads to do the job when parking the car. It...
  3. meddler

    Forum Rules

    This is a reminder for all users to occasionally read the forum rules and check if there are changes. They do change on occasion and ignorance is not an excuse. Normally if there is a change, users will be notified by an announcment. Remember the rules are a condition of use of this forum. If...
  4. meddler

    S15OC chat channel on IRC

    Guys, I have set up a chat channel on IRC. It will give everyone the chance to chat in real time. If you already have an IRC client on your computer, then it makes it easy. If you don't, you can use a web based chat client like mibbit. If you want to install a irc...
  5. meddler

    aero spat info

    Guys, I just bought a pair of fibreglass rear bumper aero spats. I know they don't fit 100%, but I have been unable to get a good picture of they way they sit on the rear bumper. Could someone please take some hi-res pics of their rear spats please. If possible, could someone measure the...
  6. meddler

    Trader Titles

    There has been a few minor changes to the S15OC usergroups. Now it is possible for members to see which traders contribute to S15OC so they can be recognized and hopefully, be rewarded for their generosity. Traders will now have one of two titles 1) Contributing Trader - These are the...
  7. meddler

    FG Aero front bar copy

    Quite cheap if you want a aero bar but don't want to pay $$$$ for a OEM one Found another one...
  8. meddler

    Carbon Fibre Exhaust Surround

    I am sure that someone was asking where to get the cabon fibre exhaust surrounds not so long ago. Here you go.
  9. meddler

    Injector type

    Guys, I have a question regarding the injectors fitted to the S15 SR20. Are they side feed or top feed? I have found that the early SR's were side feed, but I believe that there were also top feed SR's around too. Can anyone confirm what are actually fitted to our cars. The reason behind...
  10. meddler

    Meet: Team S15 - Sydney

    Welcome to the team S15 meets thread.
  11. meddler

    Amendment to forums rules - Bumping threads

    To all, Please note the change to the following forum rule in regards to bumping old posts. 9. Thread Bumping -DON'T DO IT!!!!!. It is not acceptable to "bump" old posts in order to bring them to the top of the forum. This confuses users and brings up old views of people which they would...
  12. meddler

    Aftermarket ECU for an Auto

    Guys, I have a mate that has an S15 with an auto transmission (yes I know it's an auto, but there is a good reason for it). At the moment it is pretty standard with just an exhaust. What he wants to know is what aftermarket ECU will he be able to use with the auto box. Supposedly there is an...
  13. meddler

    R33 Skyline front brake upgrade

    I know that all kinds of brake upgrades have been discussed. I don't wish to get into what is better etc. The reason for this thread is that I need to slightly modify my front calipers to fit my new wheels because I don't want to use spacers. The wheels just touch the caliper on the edge and I...
  14. meddler

    Cindy McCain: Potential First Lady, part time drifter

    Poached from another website: It turns out the wife of Senator John McCain, the Republican Nominee for the presidential race, is a Silvia drifter.
  15. meddler

    FS: Rear spats

    Not my auction, but I thought someone may be interested. I personally think they want to much for them.
  16. meddler

    WTB: Powerfc Commander

    Guys, I have just bought a powerfc pro (p/n: 414-N009) for my s15 and it didn't come with the commander (the pro versions don't) :( Now, I have just tried my mates commander from a 414-AN018 (commander p/n: 415-X001) and it doesn't work. :censored: Why is it they have to have so many different...
  17. meddler

    Suspension setting record

    Guys, Don't know if you are interested, but I have done a suspension settings record sheet for my own car. It is quite simple but it is what I needed. If anyone wants to use it feel free. Feedback is welcome.
  18. meddler

    Rear camber adjustment

    Guys, I am looking to get a wheel alignment done on my car. My question is, does the S15 have rear camber and toe adjustment from standard? If not, what do I need to buy to have these adjustments? thx, meddler
  19. meddler

    OEM headlight connectors

    Guys, Does anyone have a lead on where I can buy OEM connectors that are used for headlights and the side lights? I am looking into the feasibility of doing the HID conversion without cutting wiring (Nicely knows how anal I can be about my car.) If I can get the right connectors, I may look...