Search results

  1. irvs

    isle of cats with no tails (man)

    hey all been away working isle of man (spark) and dam i had a great time;) thing is ive never seen so many high performance cars im my life exept at a "cruse" everything from evoIX's to mx5's though sadly never seen an s15. though i think my work hire car was better than any, a 1.2 16v 06...
  2. irvs

    hey all

    hey all hows everyone doing? sadly i cant say i have an s15 as i currently drive a modded vw bora 130 sport(thats rite a dirty diesel). but im saving like mad so i can finaly get an s15 by the end of the year, its gonna be a long wait:( . so hopefully by then i'll have learned as much as i need...