Search results

  1. C1TPT

    How many s15's are there in the U.K?

    Hi guys, I've had a search around for a while now but could only find the population of s15's in Sweden. Dont know if there are any more now but it was 3 a while ago! So how many are there in the U.K? Does any one have a rough idea? Cheers
  2. C1TPT


    Hi guys, Well i've finally secured an s15! :D Paid the deposit today, most of you may have seen it, it's from Torque: I got an amazing deal on it! and now i just can't wait to get it!! :D I wish it wasn't xmas so i could have it faster! Got quite...
  3. C1TPT

    Auction sites

    Hi guys, I'm looking at importing an s15 at the moment and will probably go with torque gt to do it. I was just wondering what auction sites you guys use? I've had a look on jpctrade and uss and there seems to be some really good deals out there! Alot of the s15's on jpctrade seem ridiculously...
  4. C1TPT


    Hi guys, I havent actually got an s15 yet but i've been searching the forums for a while now and i'm waiting for the right one to come up! i would have loved to have got shadyuk's white aero but i couldnt get the money together in time. :( :( Is there alot of white aero s15's around or will...