Today was a sad day-
As I waved goodbye to Silvia chan
I really didn't want to let her go so soon, especially when I think about the selling price. so don't ask- Lets just say I got to a point in the negotiations where I just said it...
I changed out my SSR's for these spare Volks I had in the hopes of getting some more cash by selling the professors on the side.
Well now I'm single again... time to look for another girlfriend.
As I waved goodbye to Silvia chan
I really didn't want to let her go so soon, especially when I think about the selling price. so don't ask- Lets just say I got to a point in the negotiations where I just said it...
I changed out my SSR's for these spare Volks I had in the hopes of getting some more cash by selling the professors on the side.
Well now I'm single again... time to look for another girlfriend.