hi lads new on here just thought i would say hi :wave:
I think your best bet it to keep an eye on the forsale section on sxoc unless you could put a call out for a SR20 on an parts finder?hello mate
im currently looking for an s14 or s14a (or a cheap s15but no chance there) so that i can do the conversion :nod:
do you no where i can get a cheap one anyone??????
no didnt go to the sxoc meet, unfortuatly was in rochdale instead:no::no:
yes bigggg man... currently drunhk againlol i seem to ne the resident drunkl on the s15 site hehehe havwe fun cus i am.best bunch of people ulllll eever m,eet anddd im fromm the vww communityy pure bnunch of stuck up people everrr.hahahahaaaaaa