Finally sorted out a windscreen washer. Was a bit of a bastard but after a bit of thinking I figured it out without needing to take off too many panels.
Man I suck at taking in progress photos. If you want any close ups of something I've done then just ask and I will. Otherwise I'll assume no one cares.
I took the rear washer hose (since I don't use it anymore) and routed it to the boot, then cut the hose towards the front of the door sill to connect the extra hose, poked it through the firewall and connected it up to the nozzles.
The electrics were a bit trickier. I used 8 meters of wire in total (4 red, 4 black) rated to 25 Amps as the washer circuit is fused at 20 Amps. I poured over the wiring diagram for ages and finally clicked that I could splice the new wires at the steering column. (if you're ever doing the same thing, I found this to be the best) red-to-red-to-red (as far as I can tell, the original red needs to remain in-tact to power something else in the switch) and black to green (in place of the original wire as this is just to close the 12v circuit and make the pump run). Then routed them to the boot.
The mounting holes on the bracket fit perfectly into the two holes in this position in the boot. No drilling required.
This is the item I bought
I probably won't use this much. But it was a good little project and is required to get a WOF in NZ. Some places are Dicks and will ping you for not having one, others are more logical and are happy if your wipers wipe and leave it at that.
This would also be a good item and a good place to mount an intercooler spray if you wanted. Pretty much the same principal but different spray nozzle and switch