Been wanting to get hold of this particular exhaust header for a long time, but couldnt get hold of one anywhere local, so decided to order from Japan.
Its a Fujitsubo header designed for the S15 spec S SR20DE engines and apparently comes highly recommended. It is also the same header used in the S15 Autechs.
My S15 is now booked in for the 19th of August to have the new header fitted, an uprated ECU fitted and a full remap. We will then see what happens on the rolling road
Whilst this is all going on Im also gonna respray the cam cover to clean up the engine bay a bit.

Its a Fujitsubo header designed for the S15 spec S SR20DE engines and apparently comes highly recommended. It is also the same header used in the S15 Autechs.
My S15 is now booked in for the 19th of August to have the new header fitted, an uprated ECU fitted and a full remap. We will then see what happens on the rolling road
Whilst this is all going on Im also gonna respray the cam cover to clean up the engine bay a bit.