The story begins...
Iwas on my way to a SW SXOC meet at lunch time today... when we arrived i pooped the bonnet to ask an owner about re using the aircon fan instead of the viscous... at this point my engine was still running... i turned on the air con to activate the electric fan, but nothing happened, i checked the wires and found the fan was unpluged, plugged her back in and she started spinning... neway, i held my hand between the viscous and the electric to feel how much air it was pulling...
i slipped!
hand went into the electric fan...
absolute blood bath...
my car went from white to red... my mates s13 got a new coat... i was dripping in blood... and i left a few pints of blood (aswell as some flesh and finger nails!0 on the beefeater car park...
yes it hurt...
So a word of warning, yes the s15 electric fan looks whimpy and pathetic, but if you get a chance, (remember not to turn the AC on!) have a feel how sharp the blades are! There sharper than most of my kitchen knifes!
Iwas on my way to a SW SXOC meet at lunch time today... when we arrived i pooped the bonnet to ask an owner about re using the aircon fan instead of the viscous... at this point my engine was still running... i turned on the air con to activate the electric fan, but nothing happened, i checked the wires and found the fan was unpluged, plugged her back in and she started spinning... neway, i held my hand between the viscous and the electric to feel how much air it was pulling...
i slipped!
hand went into the electric fan...
absolute blood bath...
my car went from white to red... my mates s13 got a new coat... i was dripping in blood... and i left a few pints of blood (aswell as some flesh and finger nails!0 on the beefeater car park...
yes it hurt...
So a word of warning, yes the s15 electric fan looks whimpy and pathetic, but if you get a chance, (remember not to turn the AC on!) have a feel how sharp the blades are! There sharper than most of my kitchen knifes!