Club Event Orgainser
This is really only going to apply to people with Apex Performance Gen 2 Coilovers but I guess other people might be albe to tell me if what I have done is OK?
I put my new coilovers on this weekend, but when it came to putting the brake lines into the slot on the coilover they were quite a distance from each other.
To get around this I had to bend both the solid hose and the bracket on the coilover.
I also had to slightly modify the ABS lines braket by removing the hose from the bottom clip on the bracket.
Have other people had to do simular things?
I guess my main concern is if what I have done to the brake line is a stupid thing to do or not, or does this need to be done/is there another way I could have done this?
I put my new coilovers on this weekend, but when it came to putting the brake lines into the slot on the coilover they were quite a distance from each other.
To get around this I had to bend both the solid hose and the bracket on the coilover.
I also had to slightly modify the ABS lines braket by removing the hose from the bottom clip on the bracket.
Have other people had to do simular things?
I guess my main concern is if what I have done to the brake line is a stupid thing to do or not, or does this need to be done/is there another way I could have done this?