I read that you can use DOT4 - DOT5.1 brake fluid on the useful threads..I have no idea what brake fluid is in the car, can I just get any DOT4/5.1 fluid & top it up or would I really need to drain it out & put fresh in?
For piece of mind I completely bled my system this week. There's no harm in putting in totally new and fresh fluid, at least then you'll know exactly what's in it and when exactly it was completely changed. Takes a while to bleed it completely but it's well worth it. I've definately noticed an improvement in my braking.
for the cost of a couple of ltr of dot 4, just flush the whole system with new stuff, never hurts i do it every few years on all my cars, do the clutch line while you are at it
As above it's probably worthwhile getting the fluid swapped out for new. It's supposed to be done every few years anyway and it'll add peace of mind plus you'll then know whats what
also keep a watch on the fluid if you have replaced the master or slave on the clutch line or brake master for a Chinese version as most brake fluids will eat away at them and you will have heaps or silver looking bits in the fluid.