
  1. J

    WTB: strutbrace

    anyone know wer i could get the strutbrace that on this car
  2. J

    WTB: log book

    any1 no wer i could get a log book for an S15?
  3. S

    wer 2 start ?!?!?

    hey all, i hav a stock 99 spec s nd want 2 know ur opinion on wer 2 start modifyn was gona get a powerflow exhaust but read in another thread tat it wud only slow it down:( ?? wud b very greatful for some ideas ?? thanks:thumbs:
  4. S

    wer 2 buy

    hey all, jst bought a spec s s15 3 weeks ago nd findin it fairly hard 2 find after market parts :mad:, im 4m ireland any1 wit any info on wer 2 buy is much appriciated, thanks in advance :)