
  1. C

    USS Auction

    Hi im new on this site but ive been reading most threads for months just never signed up. i dont have a s15 yet but im determined to have one before im 20! i have been looking around and havent really seen many s15's for sale until i looked on the USS auction site and...
  2. C1TPT

    Auction sites

    Hi guys, I'm looking at importing an s15 at the moment and will probably go with torque gt to do it. I was just wondering what auction sites you guys use? I've had a look on jpctrade and uss and there seems to be some really good deals out there! Alot of the s15's on jpctrade seem ridiculously...
  3. Yakozan

    Silvia S13 versions?

    Curious about the Silvia S13 and the different specs. I think that the S13 came with CA18DE, CA18DET, SR20DE, SR20DET. But which model is which? I can see 4 different model codes on USS auctions. S13 KS13 PS13 KPS13 I'm I right when I assume that S13 = CA18DE engine KS13 = CA18DET engine (K...
  4. S

    Access to USS auction

    Has anyone got an access to USS auction web site? If so, would you kindly be able to share? I had one but then it needed some kind of key so I no longer be able to use them... I would be very very appreciated!!