
  1. Fasthands

    WTB: Z32 R33 GTST rear hubs etc, and a few other things wanted..

    I am wanting the parts to carry out the rear brake upgrade using K-sport callipers. Has anyone got the hubs & backplates from Z32 or R33 GTST etc required to do the upgrade for sale, or know of anyone who has? I am picking up my S15 on Saturday and want to crack on with the upgrades I have...
  2. Yellow Peril

    Hi S15OC

    Previously on s15oc, have now left RareRims/Rota to follow a dream job so now need another user name - I am sure Julian, Kev or Ben or one of the other guys there will be more than happy to help you out with wheel / Rota related questions and sales on the user...
  3. Nicely

    DB Problems

    There's currently a problem with permission on the forum database, which is causing errors to be thrown out when certain processes are attempted (e.g. user panel, admin panel, PMs, etc.) Its being looked into.
  4. Sender


    I just wanna say hi, to all S15 users :wave: I met allready few of you, and thought I will register on this board, normally I'm SXOC user :thumbs: Kamil
  5. Nicely

    Missing Smilies in IE6/7?

    Don't you love Microsoft? Go to User CP->Options and change to this: