The big round lump of black plastic that covers the OEM fan.
Mine is all messed up and a bit twisted, still serves its purpose but i'm trying to make my engine bay look pretty.
Anyone got one for up grabs?
Right its time to start tidying my car up under the bonnet and cleaning things up a little. There are a few bits I'm not happy with that've been ghetto bodged previously :(
But one random thing I came across on my travels is OE fit but I don't know the purpose of it...
If you look at the...
Any of you guys had experience with one of these before? My best friend just got a Greddy Infometer (The new touch screen one) and its pretty good, if not damm fiddly.
Im looking at the BLITZ SBC i-Color Spec R. Not just for monitoring purpose but for the boost controller too. As i plan on...
Picture speaks for itself!
I think the nails are a good 5cm as the number looks like the kind they screw into the guttering around my area to number houses. Will take it to a tyre shop in the morning to see what they say, I just hope it wasn't setup up by little shits on purpose.