Above I'm looking for the window wiper linkage that joined to he motor .
If anyone has one forsale please let us know .
Thanks james
Does anyone know if other Nissan models have the same linkage ?
Please subscribe to my friend's channel
she sings, dances and models and she is JDM :D
Just spotted these used mats. Figured with the rareness factor some of you may be interested. Originally equipped on Autech Silvia Spec S models.
Price estimated at 23,000-24,000 JPY with postage.
Exchange: http://www.xe.com/
PM if interested.
Hey guys,
I need to source one of these as apparently the one fitted to my car is for a n/a and I have a turbo....does anyone know whether other models i.e. 14/a are compatible?
Recent job took me down to Milton Keynes to meet up with Knight-Racer and shoot their wonderful range of Jap machinery :) As always with promo assignments, we organised a couple of lovely pro models (Natalie & Michelle) to help us out :thumbs:
Enjoy and thanks for viewing!!
Looking for the part number for the part pictured, its the cover that goes onto the gas tank where you access the fuel pump assembly.
Also can you tell me if any other nissan models use this same part.
Hi all,
I know that the S15 runs a different flywheel to older models, but can the clutch and pressure plate from an S13/S14 be fitted to an S15 flywheel?
Topic says it all really :)
hello folks.
looking to buying a S15 in 5 or 6 months time. 3k for insurance is steep i know but i love them :smitten:
anyhoo i know nothing about them, or any jap cars, and i've only driven one for about 10 minutes but LOVED it. and that was a standard. which is what i like. i've always...
As the topic says, is this standard on some models?
The reason I'm asking, is that the previous owner of my car, has cut a hole in the dashboard, to fit a homemade stand for the boostcontroller.
This does not look that pretty, and then I found this picture, and I got an idea.
What I'm asking...
hi guys
Im looking for an s15 and i want to know what models are available, non turbo, turbo etc, whats the best model to buy, does anyone have spec details on the r and s models
I'm looking for a s15 spec r from japan to import, but wonder whats the differents between the models?
And what is special with the aero model?
I want the model with most sports details...