
  1. LuPix_S15

    MEINOMAI -> MK.01 *Sexy S15's*

    Another video I shot and put together with my D3100 :) Kicking around after covering some wedding photography so called up Mr Littleton, Mitto and a few other mates for a little get together in MK... Enjoy :thumbs: MEINOMAI -> MK.01 on Vimeo J
  2. K

    Open Event: JDM Allstars Wembley!

    JDM Allstars! So how many of you are going to this? Anyone displaying their car? I'll be there, somewhere around the Neuton Tyres drift team tent doing one of the following: Fanning Mitto's face with a magazine. Dabbing Mitto's head with a damp towel. Feeding water to Mitto. other...