Search results

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    Anyone had dealings with Yamato imports garage

    Was wondering if anyone has baught from vining salhotra Facebook page is Yamato garage imports. liked a car he is selling but can't see any feedback worth speaking about.
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    WTB: S15 spec r

    S15 spec r or s Looking for a spec r or s in white or pewter going to import one in the next couple of weeks just though I'd check if there's anything already here for sale first. cheers
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    WTB: Cat back exhaust

    As above if anyone can help
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    WTB: hks universal muffler

    Cat back exhaust anyone got one lying around
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    Anyone seen this s15 on eBay

    Do you think this is worth a punt or a bag of nails.
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    How does the s15 drive compared to s14.

    Wondering the above guys I'm saving up at the minute to put money towards my s14 sale to hopefully get a s15 I'm the new year.
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    WTB: kakimoto cat back

    Looking for the above exhaust if anyone is selling
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    WTB: S15 oem gear knob

    Anyone got one in good condition
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    WTB: diff abs sensor

    looking for a diff sensor if anyone has removed one still working please.