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  1. N

    WTB: WTB: blank transponder key blank

    when I imported my car it only came with one key and I'm paranoid I'm going to lose it so I am looking for a spare key blank please let me know if you have one or know where I can find one, thanks!
  2. N

    Stange Trans grind and electrical Q's

    Right after start up when the clutch is down I shift into gear and give it gas then I hear a slight grind noise, in both 1st and reverse. this is only after the first shift into gear before i start moving. when I'm driving there is no grinds and no problems getting into gear, the clutch has lots...
  3. N

    WTB: WTB OEM floor mats

    Looking to buy OEM front and rear mats for my spec R, Located in Canada but I will pay all shipping and paypal fees! thanks!
  4. N

    FRUSTRATED! s15 offset

    I don't care if this has been covered a million times on every car forum made. I'm so frustrated! My wheels hit my calipers. so I need to buy new wheels. Can anyone pleasee tell me what offset I need for 17s or 18s to clear the front brakes..