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  1. D

    anyone know this s15

    Reg t527 xbx, pewter s15 white rays/ravs replica wheels, aero spoiler and skirts
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    WTB: wanted nice s15 spec r

    sold my silvia s14a and fancy an s15 again if anyone wants to sell I mite be intrested,cheers rich
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    WTB: s15 steering wheel and airbag

    wanted for my brothers s14a!!in good condition!i shud fit shudnt it!!!
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    brothers S14a

    heres how it started heres how it is now!!
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    WTB: standard rear shocker s14/s15

    standard rear shocker for my brothers s14a.take it s15s are same :)
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    donnington park jap show

    anyone going :D
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    hi newbie.s15

    hi :wave: im new and so is my car purchased from meddy